About Z Trim
Z Trim Holdings partners with the food industry in the deployment of solutions and technologies built around cutting edge dietary fibers, blends and custom emulsions. Innovation for health and wellness is built into our business model with components of capital value added, process value added, product value added, market value added, and R&D value added.
Due to its varied functionality as a non-caloric, minimally processed fiber from corn grain hulls, USDA-developed Z Trim was recognized as the "Most Innovative Ingredient" at a recent Food Ingredients South America (FISA) International Exhibition for Solution and Technology for the Food Industry conference.
Z Trim Holdings, Inc. licenses the rights to manufacture and sell Z Trim.
Taste, nutrition and cost are the primary interests of food manufacturers and their customers. Unfortunately, those interests are almost always at odds with each other. The pursuit of taste frequently conflicts with nutrition. Low cost does not always result in better taste or nutrition, and so on.
Z Trim multifunctional fiber provides food companies with a way to bridge those gaps in almost all consumer favorite food categories. Its functionality is very diverse, enabling portions of fats and oils to be replaced with fiber, and enabling foods to have better texture naturally, instead of through costly additives, modifications or extra calories.
In addition to improving the nutritional profiles of foods without impacting taste, Z Trim provides food manufactures with options when they seek solutions for stabilization, shelf life, water control and product extension.
Best of all, Z Trim achieves all of this as a taste neutral, minimally processed, non-caloric dietary fiber made from the bran of corn but also available from oat.
The right texture or �mouthfeel� is the most difficult taste attribute for food manufacturers to achieve when formulating foods generally, and especially when attempting some degree of fat replacement. Gums and starches are used throughout the food industry to replace the texture that is lost when fats are removed, but there is no single solution that achieves this completely.
Z Trim, whether used by itself, or in conjunction with these ingredients, can achieve texture and mouthfeel on a par with the full fat versions of a variety of foods having varied consistencies such as mayonnaise and dressings, sauces, dough, processed meats, soups and stews, and egg-based foods.
Taste neutrality is another of Z Trim�s taste advantages over other ingredients used for fat replacement or as fat substitutes. As a fat replacer, Z Trim can contribute to the ideal texture of the food without adding off flavors that then require masking by additive ingredients. Z Trim�s taste neutrality is one of several product attributes that makes it the preferred choice for food manufacturers seeking to provide full taste with a �clean� or uncluttered ingredient label.
Z Trim advances stability and emulsification considerably. Emulsification, or the degree to which two �unblendable� liquids (such as oil and water) are interdispersed, is a functional interest of food manufacturers. Another is stability. The more stable foods are, the better. Stability is sought in a variety of situations across a variety of food categories, and can mean many things. Stability includes: how water is controlled, how pooling - or syneresis of gels � is avoided, how well the mixture of food ingredients stays bound over time and across temperatures and freeze-thaw cycles, etc. Other functional attributes of Z Trim valued by food manufacturers include its use as a binder, extender, dough conditioner, fiber fortifier and cost reducer. No other dietary fiber ingredient performs all of these functions as well as Z Trim.
Made from insoluble plant fiber, Z Trim gel also provides most of the benefits of soluble fiber. Z Trim is a plant-derived dietary fiber with a cellulose-to-hemi-cellulose ratio of approximately 80:20, a ratio closely in line with many fibers from whole grain. As such, studies and recommendations concerning the health value of dietary fibers from plants by entities such as the FDA, National Academy of Sciences, National Cancer Research Institute, Codex Alimentations, EC Commission, and FAO of the United Nations are directly applicable to Z Trim. Z Trim excels in the plant dietary fiber category due to its high viscosity and water holding properties.