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Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 21, No. 5, 410-415 (2002)
Published by the American College of Nutrition

Glucose and Insulin Responses to a New Zero-Energy Fiber Source

Judith Hallfrisch, PhD, CNS, FACN, Daniel J. Scholfield, BS and Kay M. Behall, PhD, CNS

Diet and Human Performance Laboratory, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland

Address reprint requests to: Judith Hallfrisch, Ph.D., Building 308, Room 126, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center-East, Beltsville, MD 20705. E-mail: [email protected]

Objective: Consumption of a number of soluble fiber sources reduces glucose and insulin responses in humans. These fibers provide some available energy. Z-trim, a completely insoluble, noncaloric fiber/fat replacer produced from grain, was developed by ARS scientist George Inglett but until this report had not been tested in humans. The objective was to test the effects of consumption of various doses of this new fiber on glucose and insulin responses in humans.

Design: Men and women (12 each) matched for age and body mass index (41 years, BMI 27) were given glucose or glucose with three levels of fiber in a Latin-square design. Blood samples were obtained before and 30, 60, 120 and 180 minutes after solutions containing glucose alone (1 g/kg body weight) and glucose plus 0.08, 0.17 and 0.33 g/kg body weight of Z-trim were consumed. Plasma glucose, insulin and glucagon were determined by enzyme or radioimmunoassays. A repeated-measures analysis of variance was conducted.

Results: Glucose responses were lower for women than for men (p = 0.02) regardless of the test solution. At 30 minutes, glucose levels of men were 0.7�1.1 mmol/L lower after the two higher levels of fiber than after glucose alone. Insulin peak responses were delayed by high amounts of Z-trim. Fasting and response levels of glucagon were higher (p < 0.002) in women than in men. The decline in glucagon usually seen after a glucose load was moderated by the addition of fiber.

Conclusion: Although high levels of this new fiber may beneficially affect glucose metabolism of middle-aged people, it is less effective than soluble fiber.

Key words: glucose, insulin, Z-trim, fiber, glycemic index

Type 2 diabetics compose 90% of the total diabetic population and about 7% of adult Americans [1]. Half of all renal dialysis patients are diabetic, and diabetes is a leading cause of blindness and amputations [2]. Health professionals agree that control of blood glucose levels prevents or delays the serious debilitating consequences of diabetes [3]. Numerous studies have shown that addition of fiber-containing foods can lower glycemic responses in healthy people and in people with type 2 diabetes [410]. Most professional health groups recommend that Americans increase their consumption of dietary fiber to 20�35 g [1113]. Unfortunately, it has proven difficult to accomplish this change by increasing the consumption of foods naturally high in dietary fiber. Therefore, numerous fiber compounds and extracts have been developed that both lower fat content of the diet and increase the amount of dietary fiber, and these products are now being added to the food supply.

Our laboratory has tested a number of these fiber supplements with varying success in lowering glucose and insulin responses. Some of these effective fibers are guar, which lowered glucose responses of diabetics [14]; high-amylose corn starch, which reduced glucose and insulin responses in 12 men [15]; whole-wheat bread, which lowered glucose and insulin responses in both men and women regardless of particle size of the whole-wheat flour [16]; and Oatrim, an oat extract high in soluble beta-glucans, which lowered glucose and insulin responses in men and women both after chronic [17] and acute feeding [18] regardless of cooking method. Oatrim was developed by George Inglett [19] and was first tested under controlled feeding conditions by our laboratory.

Z-trim, a new zero-energy insoluble fiber and fat replacer, was developed by Inglett [20]. It is made from low-cost agricultural byproducts such as hulls or brans of oats, corn, rice, wheat, soybean and peas. These byproducts are treated in a multistage process to disintegrate cellular structures. The resultant purified substance is an easy-flowing powder which can be rehydrated to a high viscosity gel with a smooth creamy mouth feel. It can be used to replace fat or some of the glycemic materials such as starches, sugars and syrups which now replace fat in many low fat foods. Approximately one gram of Z-trim can replace 90 fat calories in some foods. This report constitutes the first controlled study in humans using this new fat replacer/fiber source. Insulin, glucose and glucagon responses to various amounts of Z-trim added to glucose are reported.

Twelve men and 12 women were selected for the study after a preliminary blood screen and urinalysis and approval by a physician after a medical evaluation. Subjects were excluded if they had hypertension (blood pressure >140/90 mmHg), diabetes (fasting glucose > 7.77 mmol/L) or abnormal screening blood or urine values or were taking medications that would interfere with glucose metabolism. Subject characteristics are listed in Table 1. Men and women were matched for age and body mass index (BMI).

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Table 1. Characteristics of Subjects1

The study was approved by the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Institutional Review Board and the United States Department of Agriculture Human Study Committee. Medical supervision was provided by Benjamin Caballero, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD.

Subjects discontinued vitamin or mineral supplements for the duration of the experiment. Subjects consumed a controlled diet for three days during each of four experimental periods. The amount and content of the menus were identical for each individual during the four periods. Energy requirements were determined by using a standard formula or previously recorded requirements for subjects who had completed other studies at the center. Menus consisted of standard foods and were prepared in the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center Human Study Facility (Table 2). The three-day menu contained, on average, 30% of energy from fat, 55% from carbohydrate and 15% from protein. All foods were weighed to 0.5 g. Subjects consumed breakfast at the Human Study Facility and picked up lunch and dinner for consumption at work or home. Subjects were required to consume all foods presented and no others except for noncaloric beverages. Intakes of these beverages were recorded daily.

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Table 2. Sample Menu

Glucose Tolerance Tests
Subjects were weighed daily before consuming breakfast. Weights were constant throughout the study. On day 3 of each period, subjects arrived at the center after an overnight fast. Fasting blood samples were drawn by venipuncture by a licensed phlebotomist under the supervision of a physician from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Subjects then consumed either a glucose solution (1 g/kg body weight) or the glucose solution to which Z-trim 0.08, 0.17 or 0.33 g/kg body weight had been added. Subjects consumed the solutions within 10 minutes. Blood samples were then collected at 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 hours after beginning consumption of the test solutions. After the last blood sample was taken, subjects consumed breakfast at the center. Tolerance tests were given at two week intervals. A makeup period for those subjects (n = 3) who had missed one of the four regular tests due to work-related travel or family emergency was given two weeks after the fourth period. Each period subjects were asked to record any gastrointestinal symptoms: hunger, too full, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, nausea.

Blood samples were drawn into evacuated containers containing EDTA and trasylol. Samples were immediately mixed and then placed in ice baths. Tubes were centrifuged at 1500 x g at 4�C for 20 minutes and plasma was divided into aliquots within two hours. Aliquots were then frozen at -70�C until analysis after all samples were collected.

Plasma glucose was analyzed in duplicate by a double-enzyme method (Trace-America, Allentown, PA) in an automated system (Centrifichem System 500, Union Carbide, Trace-America, Miami, FL). Plasma insulin and glucagon were analyzed by radioimmunoassays (#07-160102, ICN Biomedicals, Inc., Diagnostic Division, Irvine, CA, and #KGND1, Diagnostic Products Corporation 5700, Los Angeles, CA). Samples were counted in a gamma counter (Auto-Gamma 5000 series, Packard Instrument Company, Downers Grove, IL).

Statistical Analyses
The design of the study was a Latin square. All subjects consumed glucose and each of the three levels of Z-trim. Each blood variable was analyzed by using SAS 6.12 Mixed Procedure [21]. Fixed variables were gender, diet and period; the random variable was subject (gender). Best fit was selected by using Akaike�s Information Criteria from three covariance structures: Compound symmetry, Toeplitz and Unstructured. Insulin and glucagon values were transformed to logarithmic values before analysis and converted back to SI units for the purpose of presentation. Least-squares means and SEM are presented in tables. Mean separation was conducted by using the Tukey-Kramer adjustment for multiple comparisons when the F value was significant. Significance level was set at p < 0.05.

There were very few reports of gastrointestinal symptoms after consumption of glucose or fiber tests. The following were reported: For men, there was one report of hunger after the glucose tolerance; there were seven reports of feeling too full one of the two days before consumption of the low level of Z-trim, two for the medium level and two for the high level, but only one man said he felt too full after the tolerance (low Z-trim). No women reported hunger either before or after any of the tolerance tests. One woman reported feeling too full before the low level of Z-trim, two before the medium level and one after the medium level of Z-trim. Two women reported feeling too full after the high level of Z-trim. One man reported slight diarrhea after the low level of Z-trim, and one woman reported diarrhea after the high level. Flatulence was the most reported symptom. For men, there was one report before the glucose tolerance test, six before the low level, two before the medium level and three reports of flatulence before the high level of Z-trim. Three men reported flatulence after the low level of Z-trim. One woman reported flatulence before the medium level, and two women reported flatulence before the high level of Z-trim. One woman each reported flatulence after the low and high levels of Z-trim. One man and one woman reported nausea after the high level of Z-trim. Since most of these symptoms were reported before the tolerances, they may be the result of consumption of a higher amount of fiber than was usual for the subjects.

Glucose responses of men were higher (p = 0.02) than those of women (Fig. 1). The significant fiber*time*gender interaction (p = 0.0174) revealed a number of differences at specific times during the tolerance tests. Fasting levels did not differ, but at 30 minutes after the test solution was given, as Z-trim increased, the glucose level declined and was significantly lower after the high level. At 60 minutes after consumption of the solutions, men consuming the lowest level of Z-trim had the highest level of glucose, indicating a delay in the absorption of glucose, whereas women�s levels tended to be lower than men�s regardless of the level of fiber. At 120 minutes glucose levels of both men and women tended to be higher after consuming higher fiber than after glucose alone. There were no differences at 180 minutes.

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Fig. 1. Glucose responses (mmol/L) of men (___) and women (_ _ _) to glucose alone () 1 g/kg body weight, or with glucose + 0.08 (low �), 0.17 (medium ), and 0.33 g/kg body weight (high ) of Z-trim. Least-squares means, SEM 0.37. Time: p < 0.0001, gender: p = 0.02, time*fiber p < 0.0001, time*gender*fiber: p = 0.04.

Insulin responses did not differ between the genders (Fig. 2). Fasting values were similar. At 30 minutes after the test solutions were consumed, there was a consistent reduction in insulin response as the level of Z-trim increased. At 60 minutes peak insulin levels were reached after the medium and high levels of fiber, indicating a delay in insulin response. There were no differences at 120 minutes after the solutions were consumed, but levels tended to be higher after the medium and high levels of Z-trim. At 180 minutes insulin was significantly higher after the high Z-trim than other levels or glucose alone.

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Fig. 2. Insulin responses (pmol/L) of men and women combined (___) to glucose alone () 1 g/kg body weight) or glucose + (low �) 0.08, (medium ) 0.17, and (high ) 0.33 g/kg body weight of Z-trim. Least-squares means, SEM 75, n = 24, time p < 0.0001, time*fiber: p < 0.0001.

Glucagon levels of the women were higher than those of the men (p = 0.0018) (Fig. 3). Glucagon responses after the medium and high levels of Z-trim tended to be higher than after the glucose or low level of Z-trim.

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Fig. 3. Glucagon responses (ng/L) of men (___) and women (_ _ _) to glucose alone () 1 g/kg body weight) or glucose + (low �) 0.08, (medium ) 0.17, and (high ) 0.33 g/kg body weight of Z-trim. Least-squares means, SEM 3.5. Diet: p = 0.0013, time: p = 0.0018, gender: p = 0.0018, period*fiber: p = 0.0008, period*gender: p < 0.0001, period*time*gender: p = 0.0017.

Areas under the curve of the glucose responses were higher in men than in women (p = 0.013) but were not affected by level of Z-trim (Table 3). Insulin areas under the curve did not differ significantly though values for women were approximately 30% lower than values for men.

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Table 3. Areas under Curve of Glucose and Insulin Responses of Men and Women after Consuming Glucose (1 g/kg body weight) and Glucose + 0.08, 0.17 and 0.33 g Z-Trim/kg1


International tables of glycemic indexes report a wide range of responses to foods containing complex carbohydrates and fibers [22]. Foods containing high amounts of soluble fibers have generally been more effective in controlling glucose and insulin responses than have those with high amounts of insoluble fiber (e.g., oats and high-pectin foods compared with whole-wheat foods). Z-trim, a fat substitute made from seed hulls, was developed by George Inglett [20], the developer of Oatrim [19]. It is a purified insoluble fiber made of microscopic fragments of plant cell wall via a multistage process that completely disintegrates morphological cellular structures. It absorbs water, which results in a high viscosity and smooth mouth feel, even though it is a completely insoluble fiber. This report is the first study in which physiological measurements in response to Z-trim have been determined in humans. Our goal was to determine the lowest amount that could be given at one time to effect changes in glucose and insulin responses. Most of the gastrointestinal symptoms reported were reported before the tolerance tests. These may be the consequence of consumption of a step one diet which contained recommended levels of fat and fiber and may be bulkier than diets subjects normally consume. The highest level of Z-trim did provide approximately the daily amount of fiber recommended for consumption [1113]. If this amount was consumed per day as a fat replacer on a 1/1 replacement by a 75-kg person, it would result in a substantial reduction in energy (25 g x 9 kcal/g = 225 kcal).

Previous similar experiments in our laboratory showed greater reductions in glucose and insulin responses to an oral carbohydrate challenge than were found in the present study [1418]. Oatrim, which contains a high concentration of soluble beta-glucans, reduced glucose response to an acute dose comparable with the high amount of Z-trim in the present study whether it was consumed in an instant, baked or boiled pudding and chronically after five weeks [17,18]. Insulin responses were also reduced after acute or chronic consumption of Oatrim. In a comparison of glucose, white bread and bread made with standard or ultra-fine ground whole-wheat flour, consumption of both whole-grain breads resulted in lower glucose and insulin responses than did consumption of glucose or white bread [16]. Although whole wheat contains predominantly insoluble fiber, other components of the flour, such as resistant starch, may have moderated the glucose responses. In the present study all subjects were given the same amount of glucose solution each time with various amounts of Z-trim. Consumption of four refined fibers (cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose, karaya gum and locust bean gum) for four weeks each did not result in significant changes in glucose or insulin responses in 12 healthy men [7]. Consumption of an acute meal of high-amylose starch, though, did reduce insulin response, but not glucose response, as compared with a high-amylopectin starch meal.

Glucagon levels normally decline in response to a rise in insulin; however, in our subjects glucagon levels are fairly consistent throughout the tolerance tests. The higher levels in women and the lack of decline in response to the glucose-containing solutions may indicate a relative insensitivity such as is seen in obesity and in type 2 diabetes [23]. Numerous researchers have found excessive glucagon secretion and lack of suppression of glucagon after a glucose challenge in subjects who are obese [24], have impaired glucose tolerance [25] or are type 2 diabetics [26]. Previous studies reported declines in glucagon responses after soluble fibers, including Oatrim [17] and guar [23], but with the high amount of fiber, glucagon response was somewhat higher than after the glucose solution. While the women in our study had higher glucagon levels, their glucose response levels were lower and insulin levels were not different from those of the men, nor were they any more obese or older than the men. All values are within normal ranges, and these small dietary differences in response may not be of physiological significance.

Obesity is an international epidemic [27] and is particularly prevalent in the United States. International comparisons of intake demonstrate that carbohydrate consumption (in g/day) in the United States is among the lowest in the world [28]. The most important use of this new zero-energy fiber may be in its use as a fiber supplement and fat replacer, thus increasing carbohydrate and fiber intake and reducing both total energy and fat intake. These dietary changes would promote weight loss and reduction in coronary and diabetic risk factors.

In summary, higher levels of this insoluble fiber extract (Z-trim) elicited small but significant declines in glucose and insulin responses. Peak responses were delayed and moderated to result in a slower decline. The highest amount (0.33 g/kg body weight) was tolerated well by subjects with minimal adverse effects. This initial dose-response test opens the way for research to determine effects of chronic consumption on these responses and on risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus.

The authors wish to thank all the volunteer subjects; Willa Mae Clark, Demetria Fletcher, and Razia Hussain for technical assistance in conducting the study and analysis of samples; gentle and unfailingly accurate phlebotomist Elisa Armero; and Human Study Facility Director Evelyn Lashley and research cooks Sue Burns, Linda Lynch and Joe Hall, whose excellent meal preparation, cheerful interaction with subjects and delivery of the test menus made these studies possible.

Z-trim was provided by George Inglett, Lead Scientist, NCAUR, ARS, USDA, 1815 North University Street, Peoria, Illinois 61604.

Received December 21, 2001. Accepted May 24, 2002.


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